The Millcreek Business Council
As a licensed business in Millcreek City you can take advantage of many benefits that are FREE to you.
The Millcreek Business Council is a voice for the business community to city leaders of Millcreek; a liaison between City Hall and the business community; a supporter of growth and retention; an asset in branding and marketing of the Millcreek business community; and an aide to local employers with their workforce needs. Any licensed business in Millcreek is automatically a member of the Business Council, at no additional charge.
Contact Phone: 801-214-2765
All interested are invited to participate in the committees or activities of their choice. Meetings are held at City Hall; interested individuals should reach out to the respective committee chairs.
Millcreek Business Council Networking Committee: This committee plans monthly Meet n’ Eat networking luncheons, chooses the Business of the Month, and plans anniversary and ribbon cutting celebrations for Millcreek businesses.
The Shopping Center has a relationship with local event Venture Out!
Collaborating on events and sponsorship marketing bringing local Millcreek residents to the center and associating the center with family fun in the community.
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Selena 801-633-6454